“Made to Fly” cartoon revised

I was recently making an Indonesian language translation of the “Made to Fly” cartoon, and decided that while I was at it, I would re-do the drawing. I was never quite satisfied with the original drawing. I just thought it looked a little rough. So, I re-drew it using the computer to create clean, smooth lines. I didn’t make any changes to the cartoon other than cleaning it up a bit.

This is a cartoon that was inspired by a request from a reader. They were having a women’s conference at her church, and she wanted to know if I could come up with a cartoon for their theme, which was Ephesians 2:10. Thank the Lord, I was able to help her out with this cartoon. Only, as I was in the process of making the cartoon, I forgot that it was for a women’s conference and I made the character a man. Oh well, maybe the airplane is female.

The original "Made to Fly" cartoon

The original “Made to Fly” cartoon


The revised "Made to Fly" cartoon

The revised “Made to Fly” cartoon