Praise and thanksgiving are the entrance into the courts of God, and the booster rockets to our prayers.
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Raised With Him
When Jesus arose out of that tomb on Easter morning, it was as if all of us who have put our faith in Him were raised right along with Him.
Room Additions
We have this promise from Jesus, that He has a place prepared for each of us who have put our faith in Him. That place is in our Father’s house, where we will all someday live together as a family.
Tight Grip
The promises of God are a solid rock that we can cling to, no matter the trials that may try to pull us away.
Some Assembly Required
Life is complicated, and it can be hard to fit all of the pieces together. The Bible is our instruction manual from God for how to put our lives in order.
Dead Weight
What are some of the weights that can hinder us in our Christian walk? I’ve listed some in the cartoon: worries, grudges, guilt, shame, distractions. These are some of the things we need to free ourselves from in order to do God’s will more effectively.
I heard someone say that a good fight is one you win. In our fight of faith, we can take courage from knowing that God promises that we will win in the end.