Category Archives: Joyful ‘toons


Escalators - James 4:4


The world says they can get along without God or Jesus. If you are going their direction, you are choosing to leave God and Jesus behind.

Batteries Included

Batteries Included - Ephesians 2:8-9

God has given us the gift of His grace in Jesus, and we must receive that grace by faith. But, unlike the toy that comes with “batteries not included”, God also supplies us with the faith we need to receive His grace.


Dishwasher - Matthew 23:25


The people around us can only see what’s on the outside, which may look good, but Jesus sees what’s on the inside, which might not be so good. If we are honest with Jesus, and accept his offer to wash us, we can be clean on the outside and the inside.

Easter Find

An egg hunt is an Easter tradition in many parts of the world. Brightly colored eggs are hidden where children can find them, and put them in their baskets. Similarly, if we look for Jesus, we will find him.

Easter Find - Acts 17:27