Caricaturas Alegre now online

When I first published the Joyful ‘toons website back in January of 2007, I really didn’t consider the world wide reach that it would have. Of course, I knew that the “www” stood for “world wide web”, but for some reason, I was still a bit surprised when I started receiving email from people in far away places. Then I started getting requests to translate the cartoons into other languages. With the generous help of many of my readers, a number of the cartoons have been translated into many languages: Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Dutch, Afrikaans, Arabic, Indonesian, Malayalam, and Telugu. A couple of those languages, I did not even know existed.

As the translated cartoons began to accumulate, I started to think about adding some foreign language web pages to the website. I am happy to announce that the first of these is now online: Caricaturas Alegre en Español. It is 99% complete. There are just a few finishing touches to make. There are currently 32 Spanish cartoons ready to view, and I’ll be adding more in the future.

I must thank some people for helping me with the translations. First of all, Luis Alvarez in the U.S., who got the ball rolling on translating the cartoons into Español. Secondly, Pastor Jose David in Spain, who made some very helpful suggestions. And third, Wesley Jones in Panama, who helped me finish the cartoon translations, and worked to translate the web page. I understand very little Spanish myself, so I couldn’t have done it without them.

I intend to add more foreign language pages to the website in the future. In the meantime, if you are interested in using any of the translated cartoons for your church or Christian group, please send me an email.