Planning for the future is wise, but do not forget to include God in your plans, and make Him your top priority.
God With Us
Most religions are about man trying to get to God, that somehow through his own efforts man might be elevated to where God is. But God knew that we could never get to Him on our own, so He came down to us, in the person of Jesus.
Count Your Blessings
This cartoon depicts the American tradition of Thanksgiving Day. As Christians, we should be thankful everyday for all of God’s blessings.
Give Yourself
Giving money to the Lord is good and proper, but what God really wants us to give is ourselves.
Forgive…Be Forgiven
Something’s Fishy
Sin may appear attractive, but it’s a deceit, and it will leave you cold and hardened. We are all subject to it’s lure at one time or another, but with the encouragement of our brothers and sisters in Christ, we can resist it.
Share the Load
Jesus said “my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:30). When we join with our brothers and sisters in Christ in a yoke of love, it makes our burdens lighter.
The Right Track
“all these things” referred to in this verse are all the things we need to live, as stated in the previous verses: food, clothing, shelter, etc. Jesus tells us that they will “be added to us” as we “seek first the kingdom of God”.
Be Still
When you find yourself in a situation that’s over your head, don’t give in to fear, but trust that God is able to sustain you in the midst of trouble
King James Version
A Different Map
Living a life according to the Word of God means taking a different path than the rest of the world.